13 三月 2022

Pome wrote in Chinese (translate to Pinyin and English)

29 一月 2022
Audio, 00:12:04

Please take a walk while listening to this audio. I would encourage you to go outside.
Please adjust the volume to a suitable level, or remove one of the headphones.
When walking on the street, be sure to obey the traffic regulations.

8 十二月 2021
夜路, 布面油画, 150 x 100 cm, 12/2022

Night is Killing Me, Oil on Canvas

14 十一月 2021

5 十一月 2021
月亮走我也走 草稿, 亚麻布面丙烯画,20 x 30cm,10/2021
Go after the Moon, sketch, Acrylic on Linen

上浆,浮雕,宣纸,粉彩,丙烯颜料,淀粉, 40 x 40cm, 09/2021
Starching, Relivo, Xuan Paper, Pasztell, Acrylic, Starch

O, 丙烯颜料,木板,15 x 10cm,09/2021
O, Acrylic painting on wood